Sunday, 30 May 2010
And I do it well!
So the last week has been on a slow down. It really feels that nothings is getting done, but so many things have been done. So did any of that make any sence at all? No! Good then we are all on the same page.
Well here are the latest updates.. There are still a few bits and pieces left in the kitchen to do so still no completed pics yet! *sigh* I painted the bathroom a really nice blue from dulux called Powder Blue. I also painted the inside of my cupboard which houses my dryer and lots off toot. I painted the walls just a lovley sparkly clean white and after spending a little time sanding down the shelves, I painted them babe blue, willow green and something or other violet lol
Here's the proof.
(Yes I am that great I can handle a camera and a sander.. And I do it well)
A blue one...
A violet one ..
A green one, which is still drying lol..
I so love this colour, I thought it would have been very cold being blue. But I suprised myself, it's very fresh, clean and yet warm and cosy colour...
In the midst of the turmoil, I did manage to practise n my crocheting. This is the newest square on my Art of Crotchet series.. I really like this series, and mum has approved too. Although every mag it teaches me a new stitch it also teaches me how to make other things too. I really would recommend it to a beginner. Or someone who wants to learn more stitches. It's done me a real turn..
I have no idea what stitch this is called LOL!! But you can see the start was a bit loose and wobbly but by the end of the square it's nice and neater..
I'm just gonna stick another quicky blog in before I retire to bed.. I hope you all have a great fabby week xx
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Oh for the love of anything!
After a week of no builder my patience has started to wear thin with the mess but I keep looking at the bright side.. I will have a really nice home full of colour. We finally chose our sofa, which will be here at the beginning of july. The kitchen was delievered yesterday and the appliances are to be delivered for tomorrow. It's amazing how much you can fit into a 2 bedroom flat lol.. Mum has found a spot to iron, which is an absolute miracle. LOL!!
I hope you have a great week and hopefully some pics and progress next week from me.
I'm so missing crafting its unreal lol
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
And then We had Water.....
Yes in the house of brick dust and mess we now have a fully working shower. Albeit that's the only thing thats working but it is..YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I think when I finally got in there I was in there ages, relishing in the abundance of cleanability lol..
Sonny was truly caught in the act of checking out the shower, halfdressed and accompanied by the dog LOL!! They seem to like it in there. Sonny also gave me a pose ha ha ha ha ha.. Thumbs up for the shower.
The Kitchen is much further along now. Thank the stars.. The guys are plastering away as we speak, which means that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Zippity do dah! (Ooo look at that! The Union Jack cushion alll washed and ready to made into a cushion, if I can find where my sewing machine has got to *SIGH*)
And Look what I spotted in Amazon, a lovly little tin to store all my plasters and malarky in. Do you like it? Do ya, do ya???? At £4.95 it's a bargin and also a cutey check it out here
Ok I am out of here for now.. I hope you have a wonderful week. I can't wait to get back to the blogging and crafting fun!!