Saturday 11 September 2010

See I knew you did

Ahhhh Saturday, perfectly blissful.  The weather is a bit naff but that's ok becasue it's warmish.. Mum is at work, the boys are visiting their lovely grandparents, and me?  Well I am having a silent afternoon, of  laundry combined with a bit of blog hopping and lashings of hooking lol..

Wanna see what I have been upto?  No?  Really?  Are you sure?  See I knew you did.

Do these look delish or what?  Holy handbags they were indeed delish, topped with creamy yoghurt.  Definately refreshing and look what I found...

Awwww how cute is that.  Mummy and baby strawberry.  No I didn't eat the baby, just before you ask, but I certainly ate the mummy.  *NOSH NOSH*

Do you like these?  I do I love them dearly.  I am making a granny for mummypoo.  She wanted all bright colours on a background of black.  Let me tell you. Black is beastly to crochet with.  I can hardly see my stitches LOL!! I brought a daylight lamp to help me along.  My eyes are getting old lol.

This is my favourite combination.  I don't know if you can see or not?  I like the way the blue digs out the flower shape.  I got the African Flower Hexagon pattern from Heidi Bears Creative Blog.  She is worth a visit.  Her blog is fun and she has lots of tutorials on there, which are easy to follow if you are a newbie hooker like me.

I am also working on this for mummypoo. She wanted this is candy colours which is what I am trying to achieve.  I really love it, I can work on this at night as it's lovely and light to hook.  And somehow it's rather cheery when I hook.   I got the Ripple Pattern from Lucy over at Attic 24.  She is also a great read, her blog is always delightful and her designs are so simple that anyone can achieve.

And finally.

Yes I must learn how to take nicer pictures.  These are the colours that I will be using on my next project, which is actually FOR MEEEEE, ME, ME.

I am baking a cake tomorrow for my monster in law's birthday on tuesday.  I will let you know how that goes, yes with pictures..  What are you up to the weekend?  Anything fabulous?

So that's me done for now.  I hope you have a fabulous Saturday. x

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Have a happy day!
Paula xx